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What are you going to do with your remains?

You don’t really have a say about what happens to you when you pass away so people like to have their final wishes planned out. Would you prefer cremation, burial, or perhaps donation to medical science? Today we will go through your choices as it is the final chance to have your say in the world!

Our wishes may be dependent on religious beliefs or perhaps cost. Firstly, make sure to have all your paperwork up to date with all the T’s crossed and I’s dotted. A lot of family feuds usually occur due to disputes with the will of a loved one. So, to prevent having to haunt your kids, make sure to have the legal documents all sorted out!

We can plan every detail of our funeral, but we don’t really get a say in when the big day is going to happen. If you want a traditional burial, are you able to buy a plot in your local graveyard? Would you like to be buried in a favourite location or with deceased loved ones? When it comes to headstones you can be very creative. Some have started to share recipes on their headstones as they said in life they would only share ‘over their dead body’. This has become a popular TikTok trend where people visit graves and make the recipes left on their plots. A great way to keep your favourite food alive!

Cremation is getting even more popular. Who wouldn’t want their mother perched in the sitting room observing the cleanliness? A new type of cremation has recently hit the market – water cremation. This involves placing a body in a chamber while a heated solution of water and sodium hydroxide passes over and around it. This process is a lot longer than a typical cremation and can take up to 16 hours. It dissolves the body down to bones which are then ground to a fine powder and given back to the family in an urn. Standard cremations release a lot of toxins and carbon dioxide into the environment whereas a water cremation emits no greenhouse gases.

Donating your body to medical science and research is a lovely legacy. It allows you to become a silent teacher after death. Cadavers are an invaluable resource, and all students are very appreciative of the donation of a person’s mortal remains for their education. It is also a good option if you can’t afford a funeral, as a body can only be used for up to three years after death. Following this, the facility can give you back the remains cremated, for free!

There is a lot to consider before you leave this life!

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