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It’s A-Level Results Day! Are you ready?

a-level results day getting ready the post mortem live

Tomorrow, 18th August means it’s A-Level Results Day! It’s extremely daunting, so here are a few tips to make sure everything runs as smooth as possible!

Have your sign-in details ready so you won’t be stressed trying to remember your password!

Results are released from 8:15 am, so there is no need to be refreshing all night long, results come out for everybody at the same time.

If you have applied to a course through UCAS there is no need to fret about results getting to your chosen institution as your results are sent directly to your firm and insurance choices.

From 8 am on results day, you can log on to UCAS Track and find out if you have been accepted to your firm or insurance choice course. The system will be very busy due to thousands of students trying to log in at the same time, so be patient!

Hopefully, you will get the grades you wanted, if not depending on availability and demand your chosen university or college might award you your place anyways! You might get your firm or insurance choice. If you miss out on the required grades you could be offered an alternative course, normally quite similar to what you have applied to from your firm choice university.

If you received grades, you did not expect, arrange for an exam review and appeal to see if your grade has been miscalculated or unfairly marked. Try and do this as quickly as possible and keep your university/college up to date as they may award you your place on your chosen course if your results do change.

If you have been unsuccessful in getting accepted to your firm or insurance choice. Take a look at our clearing blog. This will give you the run down as to what clearing is and how you can still get into university this September!

Try not to do a ‘post-mortem’ of results with friends and fellow classmates. You might be proud of what you received but unbeknown to you, your friends might not be - so try and be sensitive.

Regardless of your results, this is a fantastic achievement! These are the hardest exams you have ever taken, and the first cohort to do so since the beginning of the pandemic. Give yourself a pat on the back as you have achieved a lot. The stress was no doubt crazy, but it is all over and done with now.

You have officially finished school!

Now on to the next step, work, apprenticeships, or university. There is a lot to look forward to as you take your life into your own hands and have a say as to what you do for the first time. There are a lot of decisions to be made, family, friends and teachers can support you with this but ultimately it is up to you what you decide.

Best of luck to all receiving results this week!

The Post Mortem Live - coming to a town near you soon, tickets selling fast!

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